Also, over the last couple weeks her cute little kicks are turning into huge jolts and full body rolls that take me by surprise and even kinda hurt sometimes. Tyler even felt her foot the other night. He was really excited and kinda freaking out because feeling a baby move SO much in my belly is crazy enough but then he felt her foot on his hand and sure enough, it was definitely a foot!
This week she should be about 13.5 inches and weigh 1.5 lbs. Wow! If we could see her we would see her hair color and texture.
My family lives a LOT closer now and its really nice. I am so blessed that I have such wonderful family on both sides.
We are working really hard to get this house together and haven't even started on baby stuff yet. I guess I decided that I am not going to have a full fledged nursery yet since I plan on breastfeeding and co-sleeping. So we are working on making our extra room a nice, relaxing Florida-ish room with a baby corner. However, I do tend to change my mind often especially now that this nesting thing is in full swing. And the nesting thing is a lot like the biological clock- its no joke.
We should be having some good news about Tyler's career here soon but I will wait til that is officially official.
I am doing freelance whenever it comes and working more with my family and their rentals for practice. Hopefully that continues to grow. Also will be doing the ebay stuff and sending out my resume to some future prospects but damn its hard to be on the computer when its SO nice out! Soon it will be too hot and I wont ever go outside though...
I also want to say that my birthday is on Tuesday and I would like cake please. Thank you.
Anyway- here are the pics:
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